The 5 Key Missing Steps To The Laws of Attraction

A lot of you have probably read various self-help books such as The Secret, The Law of Attraction, and positive affirmation literature etc… and more then likely never got the results that you were looking to create through the “Power of The Mind” methods that these authors claim to work by the unfailing laws of the universe. If your like most, you may have caught a glimps of very suddle confermations to your efforts of putting this new way of thinking and feeling into action but, nothing to the degree of being definite from following positive thoughts, affirmations, and action.

Through my years of study and experimenting I’ve discovered that many of these ancient sources of information wasn’t really intended for the common man or woman (uninitiated). These alluring and attractive bites of information was not suppose to be understood by the common man or woman and it is believed that a lot of the critical parts of this knowledge that would help one to better understand was purposely made vague and distorted to only and to only benefit those that were given the true hidden meanings of what the teachings brought forth to them. (initiated)

For those of us that are considered to be the “average Joe” we have to be introduced to this type of information in a certain way that can give us better insight and vision into effectively processing this information and putting into practicle application in our everyday lives. Without proper understanding of how certain things that you do while applying these methods to manifestation can interfere or completely backfire on you in your daily practice of working with the laws of attraction.

There a 5 very important missing steps to the law of attraction that will complicate your efforts in creating change in your life and prohibit you from being able manifest your hearts desires. Most literature that I’ve read start out with 1) Set an intention, 2) Feeling The State (emotional connection) 3) Detatch from The Outcome, and 4) Take Action and voila!. All this is fine but, it doesn’t quite work that way. There are other important factors that must be considered and applied in order for this to work correctly. Im going to list them with definition and then explain their relevance to the laws of attraction.

1. Self – Control: The ability to control oneself, in paticular one’s emotions and desires or expressions of them in one’s behavior, especially in difficult situations.

Explaniation: Being in control of yourself is a very important key to working with the law of attraction because, if you can be in control of yourself you will also have the ability to control the things that you are trying to create in your reality. Likewise; if you cannot control yourself and specifically your behavior and emotions you will not be able to control anything outside of you and that includes, what you attract to you in your reality. Recklessness, impulsiveness, and bad behavior will undoubtly bring into your life bad consiquences. You have to find a way to be constantly aware of your emotions and behaviors daily and try to tame them.

2. Self – Discipline: The ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknessess; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.

Explanation: You have to be able to make yourself do things that you know should be done in a certain way without taking shortcuts or allowing yourself to fall off into distractions. Using reason to determine your best course of action that opposes a tempting desire is a major part of exercising self – discipline. A person without discipline will lack the ability to stay course of anything without interruptions and shortcomings. The is key for the act of repetion when working with the law of attraction. Practice building resistance and denying the desires that may tempt you.

3) Self – Accountability: The quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actions.

Explanition: Here is where we stand on the principle of ethics and being true to yourself and honest with others. Also being responsible for your actions and whatever consequences that may follow. No one can make you follow the laws of attraction or be responsible in your motives in obtaining your desires. This is about doing what you know is right and avoiding what you know is wrong. If you will cheat and lie to yourself, you will cheat and lie to anyone else. Using a manipulative method that involves lies and irresponsibility will most certainly reflect back in your reality nothing but, falsehoods and contradictions. If you’ll lie to yourself and cannot be your real self, or refuse to accept responsibility the law of attraction will bring to you situations and events that will always have you in a state of confusion and the inability to be able to fix bad situations.

4) Self – Awareness: Conscious knowledge of one’s character feelings, motives, desires, and thoughts.

Explanation: This is more or less self – policing yourself and going within to cross examine who you really are as a person. You have to be aware of why your feeling and thinking a certain ways and if its something thats going to benefit or block you from personal development. You have to have a clear understanding of what your being motivated by. If your motivations, thoughts, and feelings to manifest things into your are based on greed, envy, and vanity you can expect the law of the universe to give you some things but never allow your reality to keep you satisfied or happy. You will be in a constant cycle of ups and downs never feeling true contentment. You have to focus on things that will not only benefit you but others as well especially, those nearest and dear to you.

5) Humble: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of ones own importance.

Explaintion: This is where the elimination of false pride, egotism, arrogance, and selfishness comes into play. You cannot be overly confident in yourself to the point of arrogance. This will create a very hostile atmosphere and enviroment around your creative energy. People will begin to resent you and seek pleasure in your downfall. Being humble attracts other peoples genuine appreciation towards you and creates a certain willingness to want to cooperate with you.

So there you have it 5 key steps to help you with effecting the law of attraction that must be given further consideration and attention to for corrospondence to the laws of attraction. All 5 of these steps have to do with character development which, is very important and should be the first thing studied and applied before jumping right into trying to create realities that are positive and beneficial. I didn’t go too deep into detail and specifics of how to speed up your results in manefesting what you want or how each one of these 5 key steps to effecting the law of attraction will reveal to you certain signs in you life for the sake of space on this blog but your questions and comments are welcome and anyone wanting more  in dept information on this subject can email me at:

9 thoughts on “The 5 Key Missing Steps To The Laws of Attraction”

  1. You really running extraordinary article here. My 2200 followers and the 100 countries that tune in monthly will enjoy it too! I am now one of your latest followers too.

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko


    1. Thank you I just thought that I would share something that could help those who struggle to see results in their personal development and manifestation of desires. I have more helpful tips and things to consider that I can post as well or if you have a specific topic I can cover as well. Again thank you I appreciate you taking the time to read and share.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love your writing. But what would you say to a person who feels like they hit rock bottom and feels along


  2. Greetings, Bree and thank you for the kind words. First, I would start of by asking you…what defines “rock bottom” to you? Second, I would encourage you to first start by looking within yourself as well as your surroundings. That includes the people that you may be currently interacting with in your life right now to begin to give you clarity in your mind as to where your issue of feeling a state of hitting rock bottom may be coming from. Once you are able to pinpoint where that issue may be coming from you can begin the process of removing these feelings from within yourself.

    1) Stop overthinking and trying analyze what is going on outside of you that you cannot control…This will only lead to more mental anguish and frustration.

    2) If possible put yourself in a better environment that has upbeat energy or somewhere like a library where you can begin feed your mind knowledge. You’ll be around other people which will decrease some of that feeling alone.

    3) Begin some type of exercise regiment it doesn’t have to be a full-time schedule. But even a 2 day a week workout ritual is better then nothing. This will help release some stress and endorphins in your brain which will help you neutralize some of those depressive thoughts.

    Remember bad situations are just mere moments of diseasement in our lives and you have the power to determine how short or long you stay in the situation.

    Tony Beverly


    1. My rock bottom I lost my job my car next I’m still at home I’m working on moving out so I don’t have to keep getting into it with my dad our relationship is good but rocky like I’m living with nothing but stress. I’m alone because I feel like I have nobody to talk to I stopped talking to my friends in school my family messed up and I have trust issues really bad I keep almost everything to myself


      1. Hello, again Bree; I believe that you can pull through this tuff time if you keep a positive outlook and try to use some of the suggestions that i listed for you in my reply prior to this one. Give it a try and see how it works for you.


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